he owner of the website www.udon.es (“Web”) is the company UDON Franchising, S.L. (“UDON”), whose details are:
Registered office: C/ Ciurans, 2, 08530 La Garriga (Barcelona)
C.I.F.: B-65211773
Email: customercare@udon.es
Telephone: (+ 34) 93.464.61.64
Registered in the Commercial Register of Barcelona in Volume 35801, sheet 67, page number B-266.551.
The General Conditions of Access and Use regulate access to and use of the Website and are intended to provide the user with information concerning UDON and its products and activities.
Access to and use of the Website by the user implies acceptance of these General Conditions of Access and Use as well as the Website Privacy Policy.
The user must carefully read the General Conditions of Access and Use and the Privacy Policy when they intend to use the Website because they may be adapted and / or modified at any time. If you do not accept these General Conditions of Access and Use, please refrain from using the Website and its content.
The user agrees to make diligent use of the Website as well as information on products and activities contained therein, in full compliance with both the applicable regulations and the General Conditions of Access and Use and where relevant, any other conditions set by UDON for the purpose of the WebsiteThe user agrees to make diligent use of the Website as well as information on products and activities contained therein, in full compliance with both the applicable regulations and the General Conditions of Access and Use and where relevant, any other conditions set by UDON for the purpose of the Website.
Consequently, the user agrees not to enter comments and / or content, either themselves or by third parties, that (i) are unlawful, violent, pornographic, racist and / or demeaning; and (ii) are inappropriate or not relevant to UDON’s business activities.
The user agrees not to carry out any action aimed at damaging, disabling and / or overloading the Website, or that may impede, in any way, its normal use and operation.
The user is informed that in the event of non-compliance with the General Conditions of Access and Use, the Privacy Policy or, where appropriate, any other terms or conditions contained on the Website, UDON reserves the right to limit, suspend and / or terminate their access to the Website, taking any technical measures necessary for that purpose.
UDON makes its best effort to keep the Website running smoothly, avoiding any errors or, where appropriate, fixing them, and keeping the content of the Website updated. However, UDON does not guarantee the availability and continued access to the Website or the absence of errors in its content, nor that the latter is duly updated.
Both access to the Website as well as the use made of any information or operations contained herein shall be the sole responsibility of the user.
UDON is not responsible for any damages and / or losses arising directly or indirectly from the access or use of the information on the Website and, especially of information related to third parties other than UDON, including, but not limited, to those caused in computer systems or those generated by the introduction of viruses and / or computer attacks. Neither is it responsible for any damage that users may sustain due to improper use of the Website, nor for breakdowns, interruptions, absences or faults in communication and / or the Internet.
Additionally, UDON is not liable for any damage and / or harm to the user’s software and / or hardware arising from access and use of the Website.
The user shall be liable for damages of any kind that UDON may suffer as a result of non-compliance with any of the obligations to which they are bound under the General Conditions of Access and Use, the other conditions specified on the Website and / or legislation applicable at all times.
a) Links to the Website
Third parties who intend to include on a website (“” Linking Site “”) a link that directs to the Website must comply with current legislation and they or third parties may not, under no circumstances, host content, that: (i) is unlawful, harmful, violent, racist, demeaning, etc.
Under no circumstances does the link imply that UDON endorses, promotes, guarantees, supervises and / or recommends content and / or services of the Linking Site nor is it responsible for its content.
In the event of any non-compliance with the terms referred to above, UDON will proceed, immediately, to revoke the consent given to the Linking Site, which must remove the link.
b) Links to other websites
The Website may include different links that allow the user to access other websites (“” Linked Sites “”).
Under no circumstances does the existence of Linked Sites presuppose any recommendation, promotion, identification and / or compliance on behalf of UDON with the statements, content and / or services provided by the Linked Sites. Consequently, UDON is not liable for the content and other conditions of the Linked Sites, the user is solely responsible for checking and accepting each time they access and use them.
All intellectual property rights on designs, databases, underlying computer programs (including source code), and the various elements that make up the Website (text, graphics, photographs, videos, sound recordings, colour combinations etc.) [ “” Content “”] as well as its structure, selection and arrangement are owned by UDON or its licensors. With regard to the distinctive marks included on the Website (trademarks and trade names), they are owned by UDON or its licensors.
The use of the Website by the user does not imply the transfer of any intellectual property and / or industrial rights on the Website and Content.
Reproduction, processing, distribution, public communication, making available, extraction and / or any other form of dissemination of the Website, the Content and / or UDON’s distinctive marks is strictly prohibited unless the user obtains expressed authorisation to do so.
Unauthorised use of the Content, as well as any harm caused to UDON’s intellectual and industrial property rights may give rise to the corresponding legal actions and, where appropriate, to the liabilities arising therefrom.
If any of the clauses of the General Conditions of Access and Use were declared fully or partially invalid or ineffective, such invalidity or ineffectiveness will only affect that provision or part thereof that is invalid or ineffectual, and with everything else remaining in force, with said provision or part thereof being affected. For this purpose, the General Conditions of Access and Use only cease to be exclusively valid regarding the invalid or ineffective provision, and no other part or provision hereof is void, invalidated, damaged or affected by such invalidity or ineffectiveness, unless it would have substantial effect on the General Conditions of Access and Use as a whole.
The General Conditions of Access and Use are written in Spanish, Catalan and English. In the event of discrepancy between the language versions, the Catalan version shall prevail.
The General Conditions of Access and Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Spanish law.
Any dispute arising between UDON and users of the Website shall be resolved by the Courts of the city of Barcelona, with the parties expressly waiving the right to their own jurisdiction.
Em conformidade com a Lei Orgânica 15/1999, de 13 de dezembro, de Proteção dos Dados de Carácter Pessoal (LOPD) e os regulamentos de aplicação, o UDON FRANCHISING, S.L. (UDON) informa todos os usuários do Site www.udon.es (o Site) que os dados pessoais fornecidos durante o acesso e uso do Site serão incorporados num ficheiro registado com a Agência Espanhola de Proteção de Dados.
Ao marcar as caixas correspondentes nos formulários incluídos no Site, os usuários aceitam e concordam de forma livre e inequívoca que os dados pessoais sejam tratados para os fins descritos abaixo.
É expressamente proibido a menores de 14 anos, fornecer qualquer informação a UDON através do Site, sem o consentimento dos seus pais ou representantes legais. Caso a UDON obtiver prova da violação desta proibição, procederá à eliminação de quaisquer dados associados ao usuário em questão
Os dados que fornece, através do Site, podem ser usados para as seguintes finalidades, dependendo de cada tipo de pedido:
A sua aceitação em receber informações comerciais é sempre revogável, sem efeitos retroativos, sendo necessário notificar-nos enviando um e-mail para customercare@udon.es
Todos os dados solicitados através dos formulários no Site são obrigatórios, pois são necessários para a prestação de um serviço adequado ao usuário. Caso não sejam fornecidos todos os dados necessários, o UDON não garante a prestação dos serviços solicitados e, consequentemente, estará isento de qualquer responsabilidade pela não prestação ou prestação incompleta dos serviços solicitados.
O usuário é o único responsável pela veracidade e atualização dos dados fornecidos através de diferentes formulários no Site, reservando-se à UDON o direito de excluí-lo dos serviços solicitados, caso tenha fornecido informações falsas, sem prejuízo das restantes ações legais às quais se procedam.
Os seus dados pessoais não serão transferidos a terceiros, exceto a) quando são necessários para dar resposta ao seus pedidos; b) os dados fornecidos no âmbito de um processo de seleção, que podem ser comunicados às franquias UDON.
Sempre que os dados pessoais forem transferidos, fora dos casos acima indicados, será solicitado o consentimento dos afetados com os requisitos estabelecidos na legislação vigente, que será revogável a qualquer momento.
Los datos identificativos pertenecientes al cliente/usuario, , así los demás datos de contacto y cualesquiera otros que pO usuário pode exercer os direitos de acesso, retificação, cancelamento e oposição ao processamento dos seus dados, nos termos previstos pela legislação vigente, por e-mail para customercare@udon.es.
EO UDON, em conformidade com o Decreto Real 1720/2007, de 21 de dezembro, que aprova o Regulamento para aplicar a LOPD, informa que adotou todas as medidas técnicas e organizacionais necessárias para garantir a segurança e a integridade dos dados de natureza pessoal que possa vir a tratar, assim como para evitar a sua perda, alteração e/ou acesso por terceiros não autorizados.
O Udon Franchising, S.L. no seu site www.udon.com, por sua conta própria, ou de terceiros contratados para fornecer serviços de medição, análise e publicidade, usa cookies quando um usuário navega pelo site.
Os cookies são ficheiros enviados ao navegador por um servidor web, a fim de registar as atividades do usuário durante a sua navegação.
Por meio da utilização de cookies, torna-se possível que o servidor onde o site se encontra reconheça o navegador web utilizado pelo usuário, a fim de que a navegação seja mais fácil, permitindo, por exemplo, aos usuários que se tiverem registado anteriormente aceder às áreas, serviços, promoções ou concursos reservados exclusivamente a eles sem terem de se registar a cada visita. Também são utilizados para medir a audiência e os parâmetros de tráfego, controlar o progresso e o número de entradas.
Determinados cookies podem recolher dados pessoais.
Em seguida são referidos os diferentes tipos de cookies existentes:
Tipos de cookies
Não excluídos:
Cookies de acordo com a entidade que os gere:
Cookies de acordo com o tempo que permanecem ativados:
Cookies de acordo com a finalidade:
Também é possível que, ao visitar um site ou ao abrir um e-mail onde seja publicado um anúncio ou uma promoção sobre determinados produtos ou serviços, seja instalado um cookie no navegador, que será usado para mostrar depois publicidade relacionada com a pesquisa que foi feita, para desenvolver um controlo dos anúncios em relação, por exemplo, com o número de vezes em que são vistos, onde aparecem, a que horas são vistos, etc.
Em seguida indica-se que Cookies não excluídos, próprios ou de terceiros, são utilizados no site.
Cookies analíticos de terceiros:
Google Analytics:
Google, Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View (Califórnia), CA 94043, Estados Unidos (“Google”).
Política de privacidade:
Dados recolhidos:
Anónimos: (Anúncios vistos, analíticos, informações sobre o navegador, dados de cookies, data/hora, dados demográficos, tipo de hardware/software, os dados de interação, páginas vistas, domínios de serviço).
Pseudonimizados: Endereço IP (UE PII), o histórico de pesquisa, dados de localização, cadeia de cliques, ID de dispositivo (PII UE) PII (nome, endereço, número de telefone, endereço de e-mail, login) Sensíveis (Informações Financeiras).
Dados cedidos a terceiros:
Não revelado.
Retenção de dados:
Não revelado.
Mais informações no: www.google.es/intl/es/policies/technologies/types/
Google Tag Manager:
Google, Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View (Califórnia), CA 94043, Estados Unidos (“Google”).
Google Tag Manager é uma ferramenta que permite escrever ou reescrever o código de um site.
Dados recolhidos:
Recolhem-se informações anónimas como: Informações do navegador, dados relativos a cookies, data e hora, dados demográficos, informações sobre o hardware/software, fornecedor de acesso à Internet, interação.
Além do número IP, número de telefone, histórico de pesquisas, dados de localização, ID do dispositivo.
O número IP, o ID do dispositivo e o número de telefone são partilhados com terceiros. Além de outros dados agregados.
Dados cedidos a terceiros:
Podem ser partilhados dados agregados, dados anónimos, PII – UE (Informações que podem tornar uma pessoa identificável) com terceiros, dados sensíveis.
Retenção de dados:
Não revelado.
Cookies de publicidade de terceiros:
Facebook Business
1601 S. California Avenue , , Palo Alto, CA, 94304
Dados recolhidos:
Anónimos: Anúncios vistos, dados analíticos, informações do navegador, dados relativos a cookies, data e hora, dados demográficos, informações sobre o hardware/software, fornecedor de acesso à Internet, dados de interação, páginas vistas, servidor de domínio.
Pseudonimizados: Endereço IP (UE PII), dados de localização, ID de dispositivo (PII UE) PII (nome, endereço, número de telefone, endereço de e-mail, login) Dados de identificação pessoal fornecidos por terceiros.
Sensíveis (Informações Financeiras)
Dados cedidos a terceiros:
Podem ser partilhados dados com terceiros.
Retenção de dados:
Não revelado.
Widgets Sociais
Facebook Connect
Facebook Inc. 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA, 94025
Privacy contact URL:
Objetivo: Widgets sociais.
Endereço IP, informações do navegador, data e hora, dados demográficos, páginas visitadas, tipo de software/hardware.
Dados cedidos a terceiros:
Dados anónimos são partilhados com terceiros.
Retenção de dados:
Prazo de retenção da informação: Não revelado.
Mais informaçoes no: http://www.facebook.com/about/privacy/
Google + Platform
Google, Inc.
Attn: Privacy Matters
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway , , Mountain View, CA, 94043
Políticas de privacidade: http://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy/
Objetivo: Widgets sociais.
Informações recolhidas: Visualização de publicidade, informações analíticas, informações do navegador, dados de cookies, dados demográficos, informações de hardware/software, dados de interação, páginas vistas, servidor de domínio.
Endereço IP, histórico de pesquisa, dados de localização, ID do dispositivo e número de telefone.
Dados cedidos a terceiros:
Dados anónimos são partilhados com terceiros.
Retenção de dados:
Prazo de retenção da informação: Não revelado.
Pode permitir, bloquear ou eliminar os cookies instalados, selecionando a configuração apropriada do seu navegador. No entanto, deve saber que, se o fizer, poderá não conseguir usar todas as funcionalidades deste site.
Em seguida, oferecemos ligações onde encontrará informações sobre como pode configurar as suas preferências, relativamente aos cookies, nos principais navegadores:
Ou pode consultar os vídeos tutoriais publicados pela Agência Espanhola de Proteção de Dados: http://www.youtube.com/user/desdelaAEPD
Para saber mais sobre os cookies: es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cookie_(informática)
Se desejar contactar-nos sobre a nossa política de cookies, pode fazê-lo para: customercare@udon.es
The UDON Loyalty Programme (hereinafter referred to as “N&F Club”) allows members, depending on purchases made at UDON, to accrue UDON€S (for each 1 euro spent at UDON is equivalent to 3 N&F Club UDON€S) and redeem these UDON€S for euros (for every 100 UDON€S accumulated, a €1 discount will be given, but it will only be possible to deduct the accumulated euros from 250 UDON€S and above) in general UDON Menu (not valid in midday Menu).
It is not permitted to have more than one N&F Club account per person (same name and postal address). UDON reserves the right to request at any time a document proving the identity of anybody who wishes to sign up or has signed up to the UDON Loyalty Programme.
It is up to the member to keep their profile information updated by checking at the restaurant or by visiting their user session on the UDON app or UDON.COM. In no case may UDON be held responsible for the non-receipt of a member’s offer due to outdated or misinformed information.
Terms and conditions for signing up to the Loyalty Programme
By signing up on UDON.COM, you are agreeing to join the UDON Loyalty Programme.
Terms and conditions of use
N&F Club
The UDON€S accumulated in the N&F Club are personal and non-transferable. The customer agrees to use the accumulated balance in the N&F Club programme in accordance with these legal provisions. Otherwise, UDON reserves the right to suspend or cancel the customer’s Loyalty Programme account under the terms and conditions mentioned in the article “Suspension/Shutdown”.
As part of the subscription to the N&F Club Loyalty Programme, UDON collects personal data from members. This information is subject to computer processing to allow UDON to process the requests received and send offers and personalised information. The recipients of this data are UDON FRANCHISING SL and any outsourced party.
This information is recorded in the UDON customer file and, in accordance with the amended law of 6 January 1978, any member may exercise their right of access, rectification and elimination by contacting the UDON customer service department (customercare@UDON.COM).
In addition, any member may object, for legitimate reasons, to the processing of the data concerning them by contacting the address mentioned above.
The N&F Club Loyalty Programme allows named members, upon presentation of the QR code that they will find in the user area ‘MY N&F CLUB’ on the UDON mobile app or website UDON.COM, to accrue UDON€S when visiting any UDON Noodle Bar & Restaurant and consuming general Menu (not valid in midday Menu) and when using the home delivery and takeaway service available on the UDON APP, UDON.COM and over the telephone (936.618.606).
The UDON€S counter is activated as soon as the customer signs up on the UDON mobile app or website UDON.COM. Simply by signing up, each customer receives 250 UDON€S (2.5 euros) and, from then on, for each purchase at UDON, 1 euro spent will be equivalent to 3 UDON€S. The customer may redeem this accumulated balance provided that they have exceeded 250 UDON€S and whenever consumes general Menu (not valid in midday Menu). The balance redeemed will be subtracted from their counter and they will have to reach 250 UDON€S again to deduct the following accumulated balance. Members may redeem a maximum of 1,000 UDON€S (10 euros) per visit.
Customers who previously formed part of the Exclusive Noodle Friend (ENF) Loyalty Programme will obtain an initial balance of 250 UDON€S (2.5 euros) as Exclusive members, 500 UDON€S (5 euros) as Premium members and 300 UDON€S (3 euros) as Master members.
Once signed up on UDON.COM and the N&F Club Loyalty Programme, the user will have the chance to invite 5 friends to sign up. For each new contact that signs up on UDON.COM, the user will receive 25 UDON€S, until reaching a total of 125 UDON€S. From then on, the user may invite more contacts to sign up, but will not receive more UDON€S for each new sign-up.
What’s more, each customer signed up to the N&F Club Loyalty Programme will receive an extra 100 UDON€S on their birthday and a further 100 UDON€S for each year that they celebrate as a member of the N&F Club Loyalty Programme.
Finally, the customer will receive an extra 10 UDON€S per social network if they start following UDON on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. In order to claim these extra UDON€S, the user will have to access through the My N&F CLUB section on the website and be logged in to UDON.COM.
The UDON€S counter is activated as soon as the customer signs up on the UDON mobile app or website UDON.COM
Accumulated UDON€Smay not be redeemed for cash.
If the member asks for the accumulated balance to be redeemed, UDON reserves the right to deduct the amount of UDON€S on the N&F Club Loyalty Programme card associated with the purchase of the product.
Accumulated UDON€S and the redeemable balance will be available:
– In the user area ‘MY UDON’ on the UDON mobile app and website www.UDON.COM.
– At the restaurant, requesting them at the cash desk and presenting the corresponding QR.
– Over the phone, by contacting the UDON customer service department (936.618.606).
UDON reserves the right to modify these general terms and conditions and will inform the customer of any modification by the most appropriate means (post, email, update of the general terms and conditions on the website www.UDON.COM). The latest version of the General Terms and Conditions applicable to the N&F Club Loyalty Programme may be found on the website www.UDON.COM
UDON also reserves the right not to send all offers to all N&F Club Loyalty Programme customers and the right to modify or suspend said programme. Customers will be informed by the most appropriate means (post, email, update of the general terms and conditions on the website www.UDON.COM) if the UDON Loyalty Programme is ultimately suspended. The customer will then have a maximum of 30 days to benefit from their advantages. Otherwise, the benefits and UDON€S will be forfeited. In no case may the customer file a claim against UDON for any reason. No modification or cancellation of the UDON Loyalty Programme will entitle the member to any compensation.
The UDON Loyalty Programme is designed to provide loyal UDON customers with a series of advantages based on their visits and purchases made at restaurants or on the website. This Loyalty Programme assumes that the member respects the terms and conditions of said programme and adopts fair conduct with respect to UDON.
As a result, UDON reserves the right to suspend a UDON Loyalty Programme profile or even permanently shut it down, and -if applicable- cancel the associated benefits, in the event of abuse of the Loyalty Programme. UDON will suspend and/or shut down the profile after informing the customer by the most appropriate means, without the customer being able to claim any compensation, and specifically in the following cases:
– Fraud, attempted fraud or theft at the restaurant and/or on www.UDON.COM
– Improper or inappropriate use of the N&F Club UDON Loyalty Programme
– Any action which may disrupt the operation of the website www.UDON.COM, the N&F Club Loyalty Programme or the restaurant itself
– Detection of an abnormally high number of transactions on the same day or over several days
– Failure to comply with the provisions mentioned in these general terms and conditions.
Finally, if the customer does not make any purchases for a consecutive period of 24 months, the accumulated UDON€S and balance in their profile will be forfeited. UDON will inform the customer that if they do not make a purchase in the following 30 days, their profile may be permanently shut down.
UDON is not responsible for any consequences, direct or indirect, of any malfunction of the N&F Club UDON Loyalty Programme.
In the event of loss or theft of the N&F Club Loyalty Programme profile, the customer should contact the UDON customer service department via the web form www.UDON.COM, by email (customercare@UDON.COM) or by calling 936.618.606 UDON will deal with the incident as quickly as possible and will retrieve the UDON€S and the accrued/accumulated balance.