Miso Ramen
Ramen noodles with chicken broth, prepared with soya and miso. With slices of marinated pork chashu, wakame seaweed, parboiled and marinated free range egg, nori seaweed and spring onion
14.25 €
Tantanmen Ramen
Ramen noodles with vegetable broth and miso, Ivy soy protein, bamboo slices, purple onion, chives, pak chol, shimeji mushrooms i corn
14.50 €
Curry Ramen
Ramen with chicken broth, prepared with soya, miso and yellow curry. With slices of free range pork skirt steak chashu, bamboo, shiitake mushrooms, parboiled and marinated freerange egg and spring onion
14.50 €
Tampopo Ramen
Ramen noodles with chicken broth, prepared with soya. With slices of marinated pork chashu, sweet corn, parboiled and marinated free range egg, naruto, nori seaweed, bambú blades and spring onion
14.55 €
Tonkotsu Ramen
Ramen with vegetable broth, chashu , shiitake mushrooms, pak choi, marinated halfboiled free range egg and spring onion.
14.40 €
Heura Tonkotsu Ramen
Ramen with vegetable broth, Heura vegetable protein, shiitake mushrooms, pak choi, semicooked and marinated freerange egg and spring onion.
13.75 €
Chicken Ramen
Ramen with chicken broth prepared with soy and miso, with breaded free range chicken, egg, shimeji mushrooms, pak choi, spinach, red onion, shiitake mushrooms and lime.
14.55 €
Thai Curry Ramen
Ramen con pato, leche de coco, curry verde, huevo de corral semicocido, setas shimenji, pack choi, cebolla roja, zanahoria, espinacas y cebolleta tierna.
14.85 €